Thursday 20 June 2013

Fractions... Yes!

Fractions are the part of maths that most people find a bit scary.  Luckily for the ALiM group, fractions are one of Miss Bolton's favourite topics!

Miss Bolton told us that in two weeks we would do the same thing - write down everything we know about fractions - have a look at the difference!

Monday 3 June 2013

Audioboo reflections - Thursday 30 May

We talked about what we have learned so far in our ALiM time, what we could remember and what we would like to learn more about.  Miss Bolton recorded us using the Audioboo app.
We had to record our reflections in two parts because we had so much to say!  Everyone who was at the ALiM group on this day is recorded, even Miss Bolton - who reflected on what she has learned from a teacher's point of view.

Hope you enjoy listening to us!

Reflections on our learning - end of week 4

At the end of week 4 (Friday 31 May) we completed a reflection sheet about using part-whole strategies to solve addition problems.
First we went through the different strategies, ticking the ones we know that we can use.  We put 1/2 next to the strategies we think we can use but are not confident with yet.
In the first box we wrote the strategy that is our favourite to use, the one we are most confident using.  In the second box we wrote the strategy (or strategies) that we think we need more practise using.

Here are our reflection sheets (you can click on them to make them bigger):