Friday 17 May 2013

ALiM week 2

We have been doing a lot of work in our ALiM group.  We've been practising our basic facts through different card and dice games, we have looked at place value using place value houses and we've been working on using part-whole strategies to add numbers.

On Thursday 16 May Miss Bolton recorded us saying what we have learned so far, in our first 9 days of ALiM.

Have a listen!


  1. I am very proud of how you all have been working in our ALiM group. Can't wait to get starting on our next lot of strategies!

    Miss Bolton

  2. Its wonderful to hear you all articulate what you have learned so far. With my own children I see the progress they are making and how motivated they are to do their ALiM homework which is so great! Thank you Melinda for all your hard work!

    Lusia (I didn't know how to use any other profile so just chose anonymous)
